Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Netherlands in May

Mom sent me an email a couple of days ago entitled "The Netherlands in May."  I couldn't open on my phone, so just got to it tonight.  I researched the text, since no credit was given and found this series of pictures and the text posted on numerous sites.  I am linking to one, hoping that is at least marginally legal.  This is a "don't miss" set of images!!

The Netherlands in May - 
Somehow this makes the coming nasty weather and the fact that I had to pick ALL my daffodils from the beds tonight to prevent them from freezing, just a little easier to take.  Now I hope the buds I left and the budding tulips don't get nipped by this unwelcome weather. 

1 comment:

  1. Look at it this way - you had daffodils to pick!! :) I'll post pictures of snow flowers when they arrive as the snow melts - whenever that is. This is a gorgeous picture.
