Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I try hard to let people know I appreciate them - for big and little things.  A simple "thank you" for even the smallest things they do for me.  A smile along with that thank you is great!  But thank you is not always enough.  Appreciation runs much deeper than that.  Letting people know they mean something to you, that they are important in your lives or organization, needs to be more sometimes than the simple but wonderful "thank you."  Gestures are important.  Otherwise your thank you can become empty.  Doing more than saying "thank you" however, requires energy and effort, thoughtfulness and sometimes time investment or financial investment.  Isn't this all worth it though, to let those people who make a difference in your live know in a BIG way that they are important and you want them to keep on being there?  On the flip side, missed opportunities to be forthcoming with appreciative acts are a very TELLING sign of lack of appreciation!

Monday, April 18, 2011


When image is the primary focus, be it individual or organizational, and mind, body and soul are forgotten, the true essence and meaning of life is lost.  For without mind, body and soul, what is image after all but a fragile glass fortress easily shattered and reduced to bits of nothing.  Image is fleeting without the strength of a strong foundation, like the man who built his house on the sand.....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Netherlands in May

Mom sent me an email a couple of days ago entitled "The Netherlands in May."  I couldn't open on my phone, so just got to it tonight.  I researched the text, since no credit was given and found this series of pictures and the text posted on numerous sites.  I am linking to one, hoping that is at least marginally legal.  This is a "don't miss" set of images!!

The Netherlands in May - 
Somehow this makes the coming nasty weather and the fact that I had to pick ALL my daffodils from the beds tonight to prevent them from freezing, just a little easier to take.  Now I hope the buds I left and the budding tulips don't get nipped by this unwelcome weather. 

Is it Spring?

Spring.  Arrived over a week ago.  The daffodils bloomed and the forsythia bloomed and the cars, sidewalks and porch floor started to yellow with pollen.  Now they are saying we may get snow tonight and tomorrow.  I realize my friends in Tahoe are getting snow, and LOTS of it.  Here in the south, it is really beyond time for snow.  I don't need another snow day now.  I need to get this school year completed and behind me.  Snow, though it would help the new grass we have planted, is not welcome.  Hope this is just hype and nothing more!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am reflecting on the people in my life who are my friends.  (my husband was my first true friend and still is to this day).  Friendship is such a wonderful gift when it is pure and true and honest.  My all time favorite bible verse comes from the Apocrypha, Sirach, Chapter 6, 14-17.

"A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure.  There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence.  A faithful friend is an elixir of life: and those who fear the Lord will find him.  Whoever fears the Lord directs his friendship aright for ashe is, so is his neighbor also."

I am not one to quote bible verse.  This one is so rarely read by the average person though (as it is in the Apocrypha) that I thought it would be well placed. 

I have MANY faithful friends.  People I can trust, people I can say anything to and who will honestly hear me and tell me what they think.  People who will tell me when they think I have headed in the wrong direction. People who will listen to me rant, or cry or laugh and never judge me for it.  People who are selfless and kind and not boastful or egotistical. 

Truely there are no scales to measure, and these friends are the ELIXER of my life.  I am thankful for you all and only hope that I can be a faithful friend to you as well!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is Here!!

Took the dogs out for one last potty and it was lightly raining.  SMELLED WONDERFUL!! There is nothing like spring rain!  It is officially spring - yeah.  Quickly picked more daffodils in the bright overcast skies light, as I was afraid the looming storms would ruin them.  Lightning followed by quick thunder sent me scurrying inside!  What better way to herald spring than a good ole' thunderstorm!  Just wish we had gotten a little more!

I am so thankful for family and friends, love and laughter, joy and celebration in my life!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

So what is the name of the Blog about?

So what is with the name of the blog?  First, Macy will hopefully call me Juju.  This is a nickname her Daddy has given me and I love it.  Granny is her great grandmother (my Mom) and her other grandmother (Kyle's Mom Tippy) will be Meme. 
Now for the Bag Lady.  Susanna's stroller and car seat are black, red, grey and white.  I was in the fabric store one day and spotted prequilted fabric in those exact colors!  I had to purchase.  I had already made my own knitting bag out of scraps from a quilt I made for Sus a number of years ago, so I had the pattern down. 


Then I got going.  I made myself a diaper bag (and a duplicate one with extra fabric).

I made hers and it was a big hit!!!


Made Susanna a duffel out of materials she had purchased originally for nursing badge holders - we had 12 different materials and I have them all in this bag!  So girlie and she then had a girl!


Made a duffel for Kyle out of camo.

 Now I have lots of people interested in my making them for them.  Future small business?  We will see.  I love doing this - each one is different.  Time to do it now will be challenging since I want to spend so much time with Macy!

First day on blog

I have started this blog to be able to post about the changes happening in my life.  This year has been one of heartache and blessings.  Blessings have won out by far!  Monday of this week we celebrated the arrival of our first grandchild, Macy Joanne Lucado.  Susanna told me she was pregnant at a time in my life when things were really difficult at work, and from that point on after months of heartache, my life has been on an upswing for the most part.  I have refocused my energy on home - cooking, sewing, cleaning, baking bread, making things for the nursery, spending time with family, starting a new hobby with natural planted terrariums/day geckos/dart frogs, and waiting for the much ancitipated arrival of our baby.  SHE arrived March 14, 2011. 

So here we go.....